All functions |
Create bullet graph with reference line |
Create alternate bullet graph with reference line (using ggplot conversion to plotly) |
Create alternate bullet graph with reference line (using plotly directly) |
Provide defaults for ABM analysis |
Create table over co-publication countries for ABM unit |
Create staffbased table over co-publication countries for ABM unit |
Retrieve co-publishing organizations for ABM tables |
Create table over co-publication countries for ABM unit |
Create staffbased table over co-publication organizations for ABM unit |
Retrieve WoS and Scopus coverage for peer reviewed DiVA publication types |
Retrieve dashboard indicators for ABM |
Retrieve data for ABM tables and graphs from master table |
Create Excel workbook with ABM publication data |
Decode JWT string |
Divisions used in ABM |
Publication summary stats for ABM divisions |
Create graph over Cf by year, WoS |
Create graph over DiVA publication types by year, using plotly |
Create graph over international and Swedish non-university copublications by year, WoS |
Create graph over international and Swedish non-university copublications by year, using plotly |
Create graph over DiVA publication types by year |
Create graph over DiVA publication types by year (ggplot, plotly and ggiraph variants) |
Create graph over DiVA publication types by year, using plotly |
ABM divisions as force directed network |
Create graph over jcf by year, WoS |
Create graph over jcf by year, using plotly |
Chart displaying the development of Open Access data publications over time |
Create pie chart for Open Access data |
Pie chart for Open Access data |
Chart displaying shares of Open Access data publications |
Create stacked area graph for Open Access data |
Plotly chart wrapping the abm_graph_oadata_stacked graph |
Create line graph over share of publications by OA type and year |
Create graph over international and corporate copublications by year, Scopus |
Create graph over Scopus FWCI by years |
Create graph over SNIP by year, Scopus |
Create graph over Top 10% publications by year, Scopus |
Create graph over Top 20% journals by year, Scopus |
Create graph over SDGs |
Create graph over SDGs, mobile version |
Create graph over Top 10% publications by year, Wos |
Create graph over Cf by year, using plotly |
Create graph over Top 20% journals by year, WoS |
Create graph over Top 20% journals by year, using plotly |
Create graph over WoS coverage by DiVA publication type |
Create graph over WoS coverage by year, using plotly |
Private data from the Annual Bibliometric Monitoring project |
Retrieve publication list for ABM |
Public data from the Annual Bibliometric Monitoring project |
Public data with Annual Bibliometric Monitoring for KTH assembed in 2019 |
Summary for a list of publications |
A report used in ABM |
Researchers used in ABM |
Create table over SDGs for the selected unit |
Create table over any SDG by year for the selected unit |
Slugs or identifiers for departments at KTH used in ABM |
Get publications from members of unit via kthids |
Get staff list from slug |
Retrieve Table 1 (Publications in DiVA) for ABM, fractional counts |
Retrieve Table 1 (Publications in DiVA) for ABM, full counts |
Retrieve Table 2 (Citations 3-year window) for ABM |
Retrieve Table 3 (Field normalized citations) for ABM |
Retrieve Table 4 (Journal impact) for ABM |
Retrieve Table 5 (Co-publishing) for ABM |
Retrieve Table 6 (OA data) for ABM |
Retrieve citations table (Scopus) for ABM |
Retrieve Co-publishing table (Scopus) for ABM |
Retrieve field normalized citations table (Scopus) for ABM |
Retrieve Journal impact table (Scopus) for ABM |
Bullet graph for citations in ABM |
Bullet graph for journal citations in ABM |
Link to Altmetric Explorer for an organizational unit at KTH |
Link to DiVA portal at KTH |
Link to Publication List download for KTH |
Datatable for 3 year citations (cf) |
Datatable for 3 year citations |
Datatable for co-publication (WoS) |
Datatable for co-publication countries (WoS) |
Datatable for co-publication organizations (WoS) |
Datatable for DiVA publications |
Datatable for DiVA publications, full counts |
Datatable for journal impact (jcf) |
Datatable for open access publications |
Datatable for publication list |
Datatable for researchers |
Datatable for Scopus citations |
Datatable for co-publication (Scopus) |
Datatable for Scopus FWCI |
Datatable for Scopus journal impact (SNIP) |
Datatable for SDG publications by goal |
Datatable for SDG publications by year |
HTML table for 3 year citations (cf) |
HTML table for 3 year citations |
HTML table for co-publication (WoS) |
HTML table for co-publication countries (WoS) |
HTML table for co-publication organizations (WoS) |
HTML table for DiVA publications |
HTML table for DiVA publications, full counts |
HTML table for journal impact (jcf) |
HTML table for open access publications |
HTML table for Scopus citations |
HTML table for co-publication (Scopus) |
HTML table for Scopus FWCI |
HTML table for Scopus journal impact (SNIP) |
HTML table for SDG publications by goal |
HTML table for SDG publications by year |
A note to keep in mind when interpreting results |
Summary valuebox for publications |
Value box for coverage in ABM |
Value box for number of publications in ABM |
Waffle graph for co-publications in ABM |
Publications for ABM researchers belonging to a unit |
Publication summary stats for ABM divisions and institutions and schools |
Create waffle chart (5 rows, 20 columns) for any single percentage |
Create alternate waffle chart (with plotly) |
bibliomatrix |
Connection to Bibliometrics data source for KTH |
Generate text for Web of Science coverage warnings |
Location of sqlite3 db file for BIBMON data |
Sync the MS SQL Server database BIBMON to a local SQLite3 db |
Crawl and persist organizational data from KTH API |
Create or overwrite table at connection source |
KTH displayname from user account identifier |
Get date of indicator extraction for ABM |
Get displayname and descriptions for indicators |
Get order of publication type for ABM table 1 |
Given a organizational unit slug, such as "j/jj/jjn", retrieves associated KTH researcher ids |
KTH user account identifier (kthid) from account name |
Given an organizational "slug", a depth first traversal is made enumerating organizational units (descendants) |
Crawl kthapi for divisions |
KTH plot theme for ggplot |
Calculate average citation indicators across years |
String formatting utility to avoid wrapping of hyphens inside compound words while retaining search in HTML content using Ctrl-F. |
String formatting utility to substitute soft hyphens inside compound words with non-breaking hard "long" hyphens using HTML character entity encoding |
KTH color palette with 5 qualitative colors |
KTH color palette information |
Connection pool to Bibliometrics data source for KTH |
Prerender dashboards for public data |
Location for prerender cache with dashboard HTML content |
Update shiny apps www/cache with prerenderd dashboard HTML content |
Running this function launches a Plumber API presenting resources bundled in this package |
Running this function launches a Shiny web application presenting the datasets bundled in this package |
Create integer intervals useful for e.g. sliding means |
Status message related to db availability |
Status message related to KTH API availability |
Status message related to R environment file availability |
Graph to subheader of timegraph |
Graph of indicators by year, with or without moving average and/or reference line |
Retrieve information about ABM units (level 0-2) from database or from package data |
Generate Web of Science attribution |
Generate Web of Science disclaimer |