The bibliomatrix package includes data from the KTH Annual Bibliometric Monitoring (ABM) public part, including KTH as a whole, its five schools and about 30 departments. The dataset, named abm_public_kth, is a list with three entries: meta, units and pubtype_order.

Unit info (meta)


# To show the units included in the ABM, use either abm_public_kth$meta or the unit_info() function.
# (If no database connection is given to unit_info), abm_public_kth$meta is used anyway)
identical(unit_info(), abm_public_kth$meta)
#> [1] TRUE

#> # A tibble: 34 × 20
#>    analysis_id Diva_org_id unit_code unit_short unit_long_en                    
#>          <int>       <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>                           
#>  1          11         177 KTH       KTH        KTH Royal Institute of Technolo…
#>  2          11        5850 A         ABE        School of Architecture and the …
#>  3          11        5851 5851      NA         Architecture                    
#>  4          11        5857 5857      NA         Civil and Architectural Enginee…
#>  5          11      875600 875600    NA         Philosophy and History          
#>  6          11        5869 5869      NA         Real Estate and Construction Ma…
#>  7          11       13604 13604     NA         Sustainable development, Enviro…
#>  8          11        5884 5884      NA         Urban Planning and Environment  
#>  9          11      879223 E         EECS       School of Electrical Engineerin…
#> 10          11      882650 882650    NA         Computer Science                
#> # ℹ 24 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: unit_long_en_indent1 <chr>, unit_long_en_indent2 <chr>,
#> #   unit_long_sv <chr>, parent_org_id <int>, org_level <int>, active <int>,
#> #   description_en <chr>, kthid <chr>, slug <chr>, altmetric_desc <chr>,
#> #   altmetric_count <dbl>, altmetric_href <chr>, altmetric_id <chr>,
#> #   altmetric_level <chr>, sort_order <int>

# The unit_code is used in most functions related to ABM
# For schools, unit_code is a single letter, for departments it is equal to the DiVA organization id
unit_info() %>% filter(unit_code == "I")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 20
#>   analysis_id Diva_org_id unit_code unit_short unit_long_en unit_long_en_indent1
#>         <int>       <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        <chr>               
#> 1          11        6023 I         ITM        School of I… "    School of Indu…
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: unit_long_en_indent2 <chr>, unit_long_sv <chr>,
#> #   parent_org_id <int>, org_level <int>, active <int>, description_en <chr>,
#> #   kthid <chr>, slug <chr>, altmetric_desc <chr>, altmetric_count <dbl>,
#> #   altmetric_href <chr>, altmetric_id <chr>, altmetric_level <chr>,
#> #   sort_order <int>
unit_info() %>% filter(unit_code == "5869")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 20
#>   analysis_id Diva_org_id unit_code unit_short unit_long_en unit_long_en_indent1
#>         <int>       <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        <chr>               
#> 1          11        5869 5869      NA         Real Estate… "        Real Estat…
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: unit_long_en_indent2 <chr>, unit_long_sv <chr>,
#> #   parent_org_id <int>, org_level <int>, active <int>, description_en <chr>,
#> #   kthid <chr>, slug <chr>, altmetric_desc <chr>, altmetric_count <dbl>,
#> #   altmetric_href <chr>, altmetric_id <chr>, altmetric_level <chr>,
#> #   sort_order <int>

# The org_level field is 0 for KTH, 1 for schools and 2 for departments. Info for all schools:
unit_info() %>% filter(org_level == 1)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 20
#>   analysis_id Diva_org_id unit_code unit_short unit_long_en unit_long_en_indent1
#>         <int>       <int> <chr>     <chr>      <chr>        <chr>               
#> 1          11        5850 A         ABE        School of A… "    School of Arch…
#> 2          11      879223 E         EECS       School of E… "    School of Elec…
#> 3          11        6091 S         SCI        School of E… "    School of Engi…
#> 4          11      879224 C         CBH        School of E… "    School of Engi…
#> 5          11        6023 I         ITM        School of I… "    School of Indu…
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: unit_long_en_indent2 <chr>, unit_long_sv <chr>,
#> #   parent_org_id <int>, org_level <int>, active <int>, description_en <chr>,
#> #   kthid <chr>, slug <chr>, altmetric_desc <chr>, altmetric_count <dbl>,
#> #   altmetric_href <chr>, altmetric_id <chr>, altmetric_level <chr>,
#> #   sort_order <int>

# The parent_org_id field can be used to show all departments of some particular school
# (note that the parent id is always a Diva organization id).
unit_info() %>% filter(parent_org_id == 6023) %>% select(unit_code, unit_long_en) %>% arrange(unit_long_en)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>   unit_code unit_long_en                               
#>   <chr>     <chr>                                      
#> 1 6024      Energy Technology                          
#> 2 888007    Engineering Design                         
#> 3 6030      Industrial Economics and Management (Dept.)
#> 4 879306    Learning                                   
#> 5 6048      Materials Science and Engineering          
#> 6 888001    Production engineering

ABM tables (units)


# The five tables presented in the ABM is available in abm_public_kth$units for each unit.

# Get public ABM results for KTH
kth_abm_tables <- abm_public_kth$units$KTH

# Show parts of table 1
knitr::kable(kth_abm_tables[["diva"]] %>% select(Publication_Type_DiVA, P_frac, WoS_coverage))
Publication_Type_DiVA P_frac WoS_coverage
Article, peer review 14801.92449 0.8766310
Article, other 927.15950 0.8126962
Conference paper, peer review 7205.46836 0.5993095
Conference paper, other 1701.73812 0.0441298
Book 149.36738 0.0033475
Anthology (editor) 64.55952 0.0051632
Chapter in book 1386.53486 0.0252909
Article, book review 117.35000 0.5100128
Proceeding (editor) 39.96587 0.0250213
Report 655.40003 0.0000000
Doctoral thesis 2692.00000 0.0000000
Licentiate thesis 718.00000 0.0000000
Patent 71.96071 0.0000000

# Note that numeric unit codes need to be enclosed with ` 
#> # A tibble: 12 × 14
#>    Publication_Type_DiVA `2014` `2015` `2016` `2017` `2018` `2019` `2020` `2021`
#>    <chr>                  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 Article, peer review    11.7 11.8     8.5   13.2    5.17  9.09    4.96   4.04
#>  2 Article, other          NA    2.5     2      1.75   0.5   2      NA     NA   
#>  3 Conference paper, pe…    7.7  7.33    1.25   4.96   2.33  7.90    3.33   1   
#>  4 Conference paper, ot…   15   13.3    12.6   11.6   13    11.2     1      7   
#>  5 Book                     2    0.333   2.33   1.67   1     0.833   0.5   NA   
#>  6 Anthology (editor)       1   NA      NA      4.33  NA     1       2.58  NA   
#>  7 Chapter in book         16.3 12.5    16.8   23.1   30.5  16.1    15.5   10   
#>  8 Article, book review     1    2       1      2     NA     1       3     NA   
#>  9 Proceeding (editor)     NA    1      NA     NA     NA    NA      NA      1   
#> 10 Report                   2   10.4     2.33   2.52  NA     2       1.17   1   
#> 11 Doctoral thesis          1   NA       3      5      3    NA       4      4   
#> 12 Licentiate thesis       NA   NA       1     NA     NA     2      NA     NA   
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: `2022` <dbl>, `2023` <dbl>, P_frac <dbl>,
#> #   WoS_coverage <dbl>, Scopus_coverage <dbl>

Order of publication types (pubtype_order)


# The only current use for the pubtype_order part of the public data is to present
# the DiVA publication type numbers in a consistent manner
#> # A tibble: 16 × 2
#>    pt_ordning diva_publication_type        
#>         <int> <chr>                        
#>  1          1 Article, peer review         
#>  2          2 Article, other               
#>  3          3 Conference paper, peer review
#>  4          4 Conference paper, other      
#>  5          5 Book                         
#>  6          6 Anthology (editor)           
#>  7          7 Chapter in book              
#>  8          8 Article, book review         
#>  9          9 Proceeding (editor)          
#> 10         10 Report                       
#> 11         11 Doctoral thesis              
#> 12         12 Licentiate thesis            
#> 13         13 Patent                       
#> 14         14 Popular science etc.         
#> 15         15 Other                        
#> 16         16 Not published material