This returns an object which contains data for organizational units at KTH and some metadata used in the ABM
abm_public_data(overwrite_cache = FALSE)
a list with four slots - "meta" for organizational unit metadata info, "units" with a named list of results (set of tibbles for each of the units), "pt_ordning" for DiVA publication type sort order and analysis_date for the date of data extraction
Data is cached in a local application directory by default and is returned from there unless the parameter overwrite_cache is TRUE. To get fresh data cached, specify this flag.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# get all public data from the ABM
public <- abm_public_data()
# get public data specifically for KTH and table 1
unit_kth <- public |> pluck("units", "KTH", "diva")
# get public data specifically for KTH and table 1
unit_kth <- public |> pluck("units", "KTH", "diva")
# get public data for the school "I" and all five tables
unit_i <- public |> pluck("units", "I")
# get public data for the architecture institution, table 1
uc <- public |> pluck("meta") |>
filter(unit_long_en == "Architecture") |> pull(unit_code)
public |> pluck("units", uc, 1)
} # }