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The function providing access to KTH Publications API data can provide some overview stats, list the active public users, active users with publications and more. Some usage examples:

#> <KTH API call for stats>
#> $activeUsers
#> [1] 3356
#> $publicUsers
#> [1] 1061

# top 5 active public users with publication counts
kth_publications("activePublicUsers")$content$users %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  setNames(., nm = c("count", "kthid", "username")) %>%
  arrange(desc(count)) %>%
  select(-kthid) %>%
  slice(1:5) %>%
count username
u1zzwffz 2
u1zyo9sj 5
u1zrx6q1 199
u1zotlxf 13
u1znylhw 10

#kth_publications("activeUsersWithPublications")$content$users %>% 
#  as_tibble() %>%
#  slice(1:5)
# some users provide public access to publications
fp <- 
  kth_publications("filteredPublications", username = "pal")$content
fp$filteredPublications %>% as_tibble() %>% slice(1:5) %>% select(title)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 1
#>   title                                                                                                         
#>   <chr>                                                                                                         
#> 1 Two Classes of Equatorial Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission     
#> 2 Direct observations of anomalous resistivity and diffusion in collisionless plasma                            
#> 3 Magnetic Field Annihilation in a Magnetotail Electron Diffusion Region With Electron-Scale Magnetic Island    
#> 4 Investigation of the homogeneity of energy conversion processes at dipolarization fronts from MMS measurements
#> 5 Mapping MMS Observations of Solitary Waves in Earth's Magnetic Field

# available fields for publication data
fp$filteredPublications %>% as_tibble() %>% slice(1:5) %>% names()
#>  [1] "publicationId"             "createdAt"                 "updatedAt"                 "organizationId"            "topics"                   
#>  [6] "authors"                   "seriesIssueNr"             "seriesTitle"               "patent"                    "statementOfResponsibility"
#> [11] "identifierUri"             "bookEdition"               "bookPublisher"             "bookPlace"                 "conferenceName"           
#> [16] "recordOrigin"              "hostExtentEnd"             "hostExtentStart"           "hostIssue"                 "hostVolume"               
#> [21] "hostSubTitle"              "hostTitle"                 "contentTypeCode"           "publicationSubTypeCode"    "publicationTypeCode"      
#> [26] "dateIssued"                "publicationStatus"         "subTitle"                  "title"                     "visible"

# example record
fp$filteredPublications %>% as_tibble() %>% slice(1:1) %>% glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 30
#> $ publicationId             <chr> "diva2:1808333"
#> $ createdAt                 <chr> "2023-11-01T00:10:35.080Z"
#> $ updatedAt                 <chr> "2025-02-14T00:09:40.054Z"
#> $ organizationId            <chr> "879235"
#> $ topics                    <list> [<data.frame[7 x 2]>]
#> $ authors                   <list> [<data.frame[24 x 4]>]
#> $ seriesIssueNr             <chr> ""
#> $ seriesTitle               <chr> ""
#> $ patent                    <chr> ""
#> $ statementOfResponsibility <chr> ""
#> $ identifierUri             <chr> ""
#> $ bookEdition               <chr> ""
#> $ bookPublisher             <chr> "American Geophysical Union (AGU)"
#> $ bookPlace                 <chr> ""
#> $ conferenceName            <chr> ""
#> $ recordOrigin              <chr> "u1wqrs7e"
#> $ hostExtentEnd             <chr> ""
#> $ hostExtentStart           <chr> ""
#> $ hostIssue                 <chr> "10"
#> $ hostVolume                <chr> "128"
#> $ hostSubTitle              <chr> ""
#> $ hostTitle                 <chr> "Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics"
#> $ contentTypeCode           <chr> "refereed"
#> $ publicationSubTypeCode    <chr> ""
#> $ publicationTypeCode       <chr> "article"
#> $ dateIssued                <chr> "2023"
#> $ publicationStatus         <chr> "Published"
#> $ subTitle                  <chr> "A Statistical Overview"
#> $ title                     <chr> "Two Classes of Equatorial Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission"
#> $ visible                   <lgl> TRUE

# whether the user provides public access can be checked with the userstatus call
kth_publications("userstatus", username = "pal")$public

# not all users have registered publications
  kth_publications("filteredPublications", username = "mskyttner"), 
  error = function(e) e)
#> <simpleError: The API returned an error: Not Found: /api/publications/v1/filteredPublications/mskyttner>

# organisations can be queried
kth_publications("organisations")$content %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>       id name$en                                                                          $sv                                                           nameLocalized
#>    <int> <chr>                                                                            <chr>                                                         <chr>        
#> 1    177 KTH                                                                              KTH                                                           KTH          
#> 2  12851 Centres                                                                          Centra                                                        Centra       
#> 3 887502 Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Engineering Sciences, AIMES Center for the Advancement of Integrated Medical and Enginee… Center for t…
#> 4  12850 Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics NORDITA                                 Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics NORDITA              Nordic Insti…
#> 5   5921 Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab                                          Science for Life Laboratory, SciLifeLab                       Science for …