See details at
path = c("filteredPublications", "userstatus", "stats", "activePublicUsers",
"activeNotPublicUsers", "activeUsersWithPublications",
"activeUsersWithoutPublications", "organisation", "organisations"),
username = NULL,
orgid = NULL,
is_html = c("false", "true"),
lang = c("sv", "en"),
style = c("ieee", "apa"),
divaUri = NULL,
q = NULL,
config = NULL
one of a set of valid API calls
the accountname parameter to use
the organisation identifier to use
string to indicate if HTML should be returned, default "false"
the language code (one of "en" or "sv")
the style to use (when requesting organisation path)
the diva URI to use (when requesting organisation/diva path)
regexp filter (when requesting organizations path)
a configuration setting for the KTH APIs including base URL etc, by default from config()
results records returned from the search
if (FALSE) {
kth_publications(path = "userstatus", username = "tjep")
orgid <- tibble::as_tibble(kth_publications(path = "organisations")$content) %>%
dplyr::filter(nameLocalized == "Library") %>% dplyr::pull(id)
pubs <- kth_publications("organisation", orgid = orgid)$content$publications %>%
uri <- pubs$identifierUri[1]