See details at
path = c("filteredPublications", "userstatus", "stats", "activePublicUsers",
"activeNotPublicUsers", "activeUsersWithPublications",
"activeUsersWithoutPublications", "organisation", "organisations"),
username = NULL,
orgid = NULL,
is_html = c("false", "true"),
lang = c("sv", "en"),
style = c("ieee", "apa"),
divaUri = NULL,
q = NULL,
config = NULL
- path
one of a set of valid API calls
- username
the accountname parameter to use
- orgid
the organisation identifier to use
- is_html
string to indicate if HTML should be returned, default "false"
- lang
the language code (one of "en" or "sv")
- style
the style to use (when requesting organisation path)
- divaUri
the diva URI to use (when requesting organisation/diva path)
- q
regexp filter (when requesting organizations path)
- config
a configuration setting for the KTH APIs including base URL etc, by default from config()
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
kth_publications(path = "userstatus", username = "tjep")
orgid <- tibble::as_tibble(kth_publications(path = "organisations")$content) |>
dplyr::filter(nameLocalized == "Bibliotek") %>% dplyr::pull(id)
pubs <- kth_publications("organisation", orgid = orgid)$content$publications |>
kth_publications("organisation", divaUri = kth_diva_org_mods_uri(orgid))$content |>
as.character() |> xml2::read_html() |> rvest::html_nodes("a") |> as.character()
} # }