All functions |
SDG classification for a text snippet |
Mappings for check data |
Remaps column names using the internal check_mapping |
Render rmarkdown report with results from checks |
Path to rmarkdown report |
Upload file to S3 |
Classify into subject categories using SwePub Web API |
Classify a publication record by Swedish standard subject categories |
ISO3 codes and English country names from Wikipedia |
Retrieve Funders from Crossref Funder Registry |
Resolve funding organizations from Crossref Funding Registry from a text string |
Crossref lookup table for DOI prefixes |
Crossref assertions associated with a DOI |
Crossref information about conferences, given a DOI |
Retrieve DiVA authors for the default org from the DiVA portal |
Data quality checks for DiVA publication data |
Configuration to use for DiVA client calls |
Download publication or author data from DiVA |
Metadata for cached data files |
Upload DiVA ORCiD kthId pairs to object storage |
Get organisation data from DiVA portal |
Search DiVA organisations using CORA API |
Retrieve DiVA publications for the default org from the DiVA portal |
Refresh locally cached data files (and backup older data) |
Refresh data trigger function |
Download a MODS collection XML file from DiVA given parameters |
Search Funding & tender opportunities |
List contents of minio S3 bucket |
HR mapping |
Parse content from HR-plus data export |
Parse and read the HR data in CSV format |
DiVA publication records from KTH with subject classification issues |
Employment Titles from KTH according to BESTA |
Name aliases for DiVA authors in the KTH DiVA portal |
Retrieve DiVA authors for KTH from the KTH DiVA portal |
Retrieve DiVA authors for KTH from the KTH DiVA portal |
Data quality checks for DiVA publication data |
Curated DiVA corpus data A curated version of DiVA data with S2_publication_ID and S2_authors |
Potential data quality issues for DiVA author data |
Retrieve DiVA publications for KTH from the KTH DiVA portal |
Retrieve DiVA publications for KTH from the KTH DiVA portal |
Employment Titles from KTH |
Issues with publication and author affiliations |
Read ORCiD kthid pairs from object storage |
Convert a string with a URL to a link |
Get a file from an S3 bucket |
List files in an S3 bucket |
Convert a mods collection .xml file to a tibble and extract some external identifiers etc |
Assemble a header for loading node data into neo4j |
Assemble a header for loading edge data into neo4j |
Parse a DiVA namestring with bibliographic data |
Parse all DiVA namestrings in DiVA publications |
Read rectangular data from DiVA given a specific identifier |
Read a MODS file from DiVA given a DiVA publication identifier |
Research Subject Areas from |
Request extended information from Scopus Abstract API |
Browse a Scopus electronic identifier |
Classify subject categories given a Scopus identifier |
Configuration for credentials when using Scopus API |
Authors affiliated with KTH for a default search request |
Read scopus data from object storage |
Generate MODS from a Scopus identifier |
Generate MODS from several Scopus identifiers |
Creates MODS for a given Scopus identifier |
Scopus API ratelimit quota information |
Fetch abstract given Scopus ID |
Retrieve publications from Scopus Search API for specified Scopus ids |
Retrieve publications from Scopus API from KTH - The Royal Institute of Technology. |
Upload Scopus API search results to S3/minio bucket |
Employment Titles from Statistics Sweden |
Checks from swepub processing of KTH publication records This function calls an API at SwePub for KTH data in a specific time period |
Clean HTML tags from string |
DiVA unit identifiers for KTH with Swedish and English translations |
Parses a European VAT number |
Resolve vatNumber from European Union VIES REST API |
Read Web Of Science tab separated file(s) |
Web of Science tags and field names |
Write MODS collections as XML files, where each contains a certain number of MODS |
Write a zipped MODS-file with results from a scopus mods crawl |