The dblp computer science bibliography at provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings. Originally created at the University of Trier in 1993, dblp is now operated and further developed by Schloss Dagstuhl. This R package interfaces with the API, making data available to use from R.
You can install the development version of dblp from GitHub with:
#install.packages("devtools") install_github("KTH-Library/dblp", dependencies = TRUE)
This is a basic example which shows you how make a search :
library(dblp) library(knitr) library(stringr) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) # search for publications dblp_search("quantum computer")$content %>% select(starts_with("info")) %>% mutate(result = paste(`info.title`, ``, `info.url`)) %>% select(result) %>% slice(1:5) %>% kable()
result |
Implementation of quantum secret sharing and quantum binary voting protocol in the IBM quantum computer. |
Quantum Computing for Computer Architects, Second Edition |
Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking, First International Conference, QuantumComm 2009, Naples, Italy, October 26-30, 2009, Revised Selected Papers |
Quantum Computer Science |
Quantum Walks for Computer Scientists |
# crawl when there are many pages of results search <- dblp_crawl("Royal Institute")$content # display results search %>% filter(str_detect(``, "kth:diva")) %>% arrange(desc(`info.year`)) %>% # rename and order some named and indexed columns select(DOI = `info.doi`, 9:4) %>% # add a HTML link by combining title and use DOI for href mutate(link = sprintf("<a href=''>%s...</a>", DOI, str_sub(`info.title`, 1, 50))) %>% # pick out a few columns to display in a HTML table select(link, 1:4, -c("DOI", ""), `info.year`) %>% slice(1:5) %>% kable()
link | info.url | info.key | info.year |
Topological Methods for Motion Prediction and Cagi… | | phd/basesearch/Carvalho20 | 2020 |
Data-driven Methods in Inverse Problems…. | | phd/basesearch/Adler19 | 2019 |
Scalable Analysis of Large Datasets in Life Scienc… | | phd/basesearch/Ahmed19 | 2019 |
Feasibility and Performance of Dynamic TDD in Dens… | | phd/basesearch/Celik19 | 2019 |
Graph Algorithms for Large-Scale and Dynamic Natur… | | phd/basesearch/Ghoorchian19 | 2019 |
# search for venues dblp_crawl("Europe", entity = "venues")$content %>% slice(1:5) %>% select(starts_with("info")) %>% kable()
info.venue | info.acronym | info.type | info.url |
Central European Cybersecurity Conference (CECC) | CECC | Conference or Workshop | |
Central European Functional Programming School (CEFP) | CEFP | Conference or Workshop | |
Central European Journal of Operations Research | NA | Journal | |
Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET) | CEE-SET | Conference or Workshop | |
Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS) | ZEUS | Conference or Workshop | |
# search for authors dblp_crawl("maguire", entity = "authors")$content %>% select(starts_with("info")) %>% filter(stringr::str_starts(``, "Ger")) %>% kable() | info.url | info.aliases.alias | info.notes.note.@type | info.notes.note.text |
Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. | | NULL | affiliation | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden |
Gerry Maguire | | NULL | NA | NA |
How to retrieve Altmetric Count for a specific article using the Altmetric from the Altmetric Details Page - Counts Only API:
library(dblp) library(dplyr) library(knitr) library(httr) #> #> Attaching package: 'httr' #> The following object is masked from 'package:dblp': #> #> config # DOIs found for a specific author dois <- dblp_search("Gerald Q. Maguire Jr.")$content %>% pull(`info.doi`) # Pick one and retrieve Altmetric data from the # Altmetric Details Page - Counts Only API # # urls <- sprintf("", dois) resp <- GET(urls[6]) parsed <- content(resp) link <- sprintf("<a href='%s' title='%s'><img src='%s'></img>%s with DOI: %s</a>", parsed$details_url, parsed$title, parsed$images$medium, parsed$title, parsed$doi)
We can now display a link to the Altmetric Details Page for this article:
Profiling and accelerating commodity NFV service chains with SCC with DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2017.01.005
Attribution for the above link:
Altmetrics data is provided by, a research metrics company who track and collect the online conversations around millions of scholarly outputs. Altmetric continually monitors a variety of non-traditional sources to provide real-time updates on new mentions and shares of individual research outputs, which are collated and presented to users via the Altmetric details pages and badge visualisations. Each research output that Altmetric finds attention for is also given a score; a weighted count of the online attention it has received. Further information about how the Altmetric Attention Score is calculated is available here.