

Delivery components

Containers - “units” that can be bundled together into “systems”.

  • Binaries - Package a solution as (bundle of) units (Docker + Docker Hub)
  • Versions - latest or pinned version (dev, ref, prod)?

Procedures / routines

Existing documentation

“Hello Docker + Docker-Compose”

Docker and Compose


Create a docker-compose.yml file that starts a database and client service

  • Look at official images for postgres, mariadb/mysql, mssql at https://hub.docker.com

  • Pre-load data (Hint)
  • Bonus: Connect from your host computer (Hint: How to open the port?) and from another container


Please find the following suggestions for solution:

  • docker-compose.yml file w postgres, mariadb, mssql services and pgloader migration tool
  • Makefile w actions/targets for migrating data from SQLite3 to postgres etc