The goal of kthcorpus is to provide some tools that can be used when working with DiVA data.


devtools::install_github("KTH-Library/kthcorpus", dependencies = TRUE)


This is a basic example which shows you how to use some of these tools:


# download and cache KTH DiVA data
pubs <- kth_diva_pubs()
authors <- kth_diva_authors()
aliases <- kth_diva_aliases()
issues <- kth_diva_issues()

# run some checks
checks <- kth_diva_checks()

# see results


Press “Ctrl-Shift-L” to load function, which can then be run, for example:

mia <- 

# display results as interactive HTML table
mia %>% 
  DT::datatable(escape = FALSE)

The cache with downloaded data for publications and author data can be refreshed:

Adding checks

See the file at “R/checks.R” for some of the checks. Edit and add checks there.

Checks using Python can be used too, through reticulate, for example.

Running the API locally

To run the API locally, just open the file (located in inst/plumber/checks/plumber.R) and press play.