Data from KTH Directory API. Click a node for details (opens KTH website), scroll to zoom, drag to pan. Nodes can be dragged around.
title: "KTH Divisions in ABM"
logo: beta.png
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
source: embed
```{r, results='asis'}
cat(sprintf("", unname(bibliomatrix::palette_kth()["cerise"])
Divisions {.tabset .tabset-fade}
### Divisions
Data from KTH Directory API. Click a node for details (opens KTH website), scroll to zoom, drag to pan. Nodes can be dragged around.
fn <- abm_graph_divisions(base_url = "")
#htmlwidgets::saveWidget(fn, "~/abm-divisions.html")
### Divisions overview
ds <-
con_bib("sqlite") %>% tbl("division_stats") %>%
collect() %>%
arrange(nd_researchers, n_pubs) %>%
select(starts_with("n"), everything()) %>%
select(-c("pid", "desc_parent")) %>%
select(id, desc, everything()) %>%
filter(n_pubs > 0) %>%
mutate(q1 = round(100 * nd_researchers / n_staff, 1)) %>%
mutate(q2 = round(100 * n_pubs_wos / n_pubs, 1)) %>%
arrange(desc(q2)) %>%
select(id, desc, n_staff, nd_researchers, q1, n_pubs, n_pubs_wos, q2)
color_tile_divergent <- function(x) ifelse(x <= 0,
color_tile("lightpink", "transparent")(x * c(x <= 0)),
color_tile("transparent", "lightblue")(x * c(x > 0)))
fdt <- function(data)
as.datatable(rownames = FALSE, class = "stripe", options = list(
initComplete = htmlwidgets::JS("
function(settings, json) {
'font-size': '10px',
columnDefs = list(list(className = 'dt-left', targets = "_all")),
pageLength = 300L, bPaginate = FALSE, scrollY = 380,
dom = 'ftB'), x = formattable(data, list(
n_staff = color_bar("lightgray"),
nd_researchers = color_bar("lightgray"),
n_pubs = color_bar("lightblue"),
n_pubs_wos = color_bar("lightblue"),
q1 = color_tile("transparent", unname(palette_kth()["cerise"])),
q2 = color_tile("transparent", unname(palette_kth()["cerise"]))
))) %>%
DT::formatStyle(columns = colnames(.$x$data), `font-size` = "10px")
### Table of divisions
datatable(data = abm_divisions())