Datadriven Analys och Uppföljning av KTHs Forskning
The yearly update for ABM 2024 is being prepared and is planned to be released in Oct/Nov
New features in KTH Research Information app
POC for the KTH Indicators dashboard based on consolidated indicators collected from across KTH.
Involvement in mobilization of a new open data source with data from GDP (Gemensamma dataprojektet)
The open data source OpenAlex (used in the Open Leiden Ranking) has been evaluated and efforts have started to map data in DiVA against OpenAlex and work has begun to enrich DiVA from this source.
Changes in ABM 2024
Workshop within BenchTech network
Take home messages:
+--------------------------------+ | | | Data Sources | | | +--------------------------------+ | Clean / Crosscheck / Transform v +--------------------------------+ | | | Curated Data | | | +--------------------------------+ | Write / POST v +--------------------------------+ | | | Object Storage (minio) | | | +--------------------------------+ | Read / GET v +--------------------------------+ | | | Data Consumer / Client | | | +--------------------------------+
GDP (Gemensamma data för projekt) is an effort of a number of Swedish research funders to create a common data model for project data. The five funding agencies Energimyndigheten, Formas, Forte, Vetenskapsrådet and Vinnova is developing a standard which enables sharing of open data about fundings and related information.
The standard is developed in cooperation with a reference group including universities and other organisations within the university sector, KTH is a participant in the reference group.
We have participated in reference group coordinated by SUNET for the GDP efforts in collaboration with partners, including Vinnova and other universities
An R package has been developed with a client -
Regular harvesting of data from the API is now available from object storage “minio” at KTH:
Research outputs from KTH in OpenAlex - We have started to evaluate OpenAlex as a data source…
Comparisons against DiVA, WoS, Scopus, BIBMET
Development of search criteria to capture all KTH publications
R package has been developed with a client -
Discussions with SUNET and other universities about common resource
The DAUF project now harvests DiVA publication data using the OAI-PMH protocol which regularly updates a single file duckdb database, openly available from object storage:
The database with the harvested information is currently about 4.4 GB large.It is reqularly updated and contains MODS and JSON representations of “all-kth” DiVA records.
We illustrate enrichment of DiVA publications with an example where we associate SDG goals with all KTH Theses:
Release of ABM 2024
Change source for research data to Swecris
Dashboard over company cooperation in student theses
Related activities
Strategisk Verksamhetsanalys
New data warehouse solution at KTH
Please provide your input in chat or verbally.
If you prefer to give your feedback later or come up with questions after this demo, you are always welcome to email us at
DAUF - Demo 11 - 2024-10-15