Datadriven Analys och Uppföljning av KTHs Forskning
Discussions on how to improve project data
KTH Library is serious about data quality. We now use more automated quality checks with fewer manual quality checks required.
ORCiD crosschecks
Infrastructure upgrade with server migration finished, upgraded software stack with automatic certificates, updated monitoring endpoints. Includes software upgrade for object storage (S3 / minio) at <> which improves on user management, provides SFTP support and more.
Should we publish more “open data” (without Personally Identifiable Information) to support general use elsewhere at KTH?
A number of new libraries have been developed and existing libraries are continuously maintained:
Looking more broadly, DAUF could evolve in several different directions:
Which ones do you think are most interesting for KTH, at this moment?
Please provide your input!
If you prefer to provide written feedback, please use the following jamboard.
Thank you for attending!
DAUF - Demo 10 - 2024-02-14