The goal of bibliomatrix is to provide a common set of functionality for the Annual Bibliometric Monitoring efforts from the Bibliometrics team at the KTH Library.


If you have queries related to the content, functionality or methods used, please send an email to the KTH Library at . For technical queries or feature requests, please open an issue on this repository.


You can install the latest released version of bibliomatrix from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

For the latest development version, use the code below. Note that this version may contain errors and experimental features.


Public data

The package includes data from the KTH Annual Bibliometric Monitoring (ABM) public part.


# Simple example showing some KTH units for which ABM results are public
abm_public_kth$meta %>%
  select(unit_code, unit_long_en) %>%
  head() %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "pipe")
unit_code unit_long_en
KTH KTH Royal Institute of Technology
A School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
5851 Architecture
5857 Civil and Architectural Engineering
875600 Philosophy and History
5869 Real Estate and Construction Management

# KTH is level 0, schools level 1 and departments level 2.
# Some basic information about KTH schools:
abm_public_kth$meta %>%
  filter(org_level == 1) %>%
  select(Diva_org_id, unit_code, unit_short, unit_long_en) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "pipe")
Diva_org_id unit_code unit_short unit_long_en
5850 A ABE School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE)
879223 E EECS School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
6091 S SCI School of Engineering Sciences (SCI)
879224 C CBH School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)
6023 I ITM School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM)

# Get ABM results for KTH
kth_abm_tables <- abm_public_kth$units$KTH

# Show parts of ABM table 1 for KTH
kth_abm_tables[[1]] %>%
  select(Publication_Type_DiVA, P_frac, WoS_coverage) %>%
  filter(P_frac > 50) %>%
  knitr::kable(format = "pipe")
Publication_Type_DiVA P_frac WoS_coverage
Article, peer review 14872.62876 0.8818465
Article, other 927.71435 0.8156852
Conference paper, peer review 7436.47547 0.6058859
Conference paper, other 1922.34506 0.0404143
Book 153.38119 0.0032599
Anthology (editor) 77.65952 0.0042922
Chapter in book 1477.59711 0.0274206
Article, book review 124.85000 0.5474569
Report 746.33660 0.0000000
Doctoral thesis 2703.00000 0.0000000
Licentiate thesis 799.00000 0.0000000
Patent 74.40238 0.0000000


To further develop or change the package, please refer to instructions at, then fork this repo, clone it, make the changes and whe done, submit a PR with the changes.

If you wish to work from the CLI, you can use this approach:

For a concrete example - to make a change with regards to adding tests, follow instructions for how to add a test and add it in test/testthat/ making sure that it verifies expected results, then do the Ctrl+Shift+{D,T,E} steps (if using keyboard shortcuts) and then use git to commit and push the changes to your fork, then issue a PR.

Releasing a stable version

Before making a stable release from the master branch, ensure all tests are successful and that any issues identified from deployments in the staging/reference environment have been resolved.

Then agree with the team on semantic versioning number for the stable release. Normally given a format such as “1.0.0”, this would mean to bump the third (last) number for a patch/bugfix, to bump the second number for a minor update, such as when adding non-breaking functionality, and to bump the first number for any major update that might involve potentially backwards-compatibility breaking major refactorings or rewrites.

To release a stable version, use the following steps:

  • Change the version number for the package in the DESCRIPTION file
  • Make a local build in order to update the documentation site (this documentation is generated by pkgdown and does not build on cloud servers through Travis. It needs therefore to be built locally since the cloud servers do not have required network connectivity to database and LDAP sources) by following the steps in dev.R
  • Provide docs in for what is new in the version, preferably by linking to the relevant corresponding GitHub milestone issues that have been adressed in the release.
  • Commit and push the changes using git
  • Tag the release version and push the tag using git tag -a 0.9 -m "0.9" and git push origin 0.9 which will cause Travis to build and publish the release on the GitHub Releases tab of the repository.

This versioned release can now be used elsewhere, such as in the kontarion repo when making a versioned release there where the tagged bibliomatrix release for this specific version can be explicitly specified.